Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fire evacuation plan

Fire Evacuation Plan, a model to adapt.
In case of fire or smoke alarms sound, immediately we all evacuated the house. Each baby has a person in charge of get it out. The other children, as they are, come out orderly by the back door and gather in the yard in front of the door of the toolshed. The exit to the yard is adjacent to the Play Room, where children are habitually. Immediately I count all children and adults that we are to make sure that all children and adults have left. Once you are out, no one re-enters as long as the situation of danger.

If the rear exit is not practicable by fire, smoke, or any circumstance, we would leave by the front door, and we went to meeting point marked.

After evacuation if it’s a true emergency, I call the fire department, 911, or emergency phones from my cell phone; I always carry with me in case there is an emergency.
If the meeting place is made insecure, we all go to the North School, which is 2 blocks away. Parents of children have been advised that in an emergency we all move to the NorthSchool, main gate.

The phones of the parents are recorded on my phone, and I call all parents notifying emergency to pick up children early.

All parents and people in the house have been informed of this plan.

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